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Break.com Most Discussed Video's

Sheriff Allows Illegal Trespass

Some dumb Indiana Sheriff sits back and does absolutely nothing while an even dumber health inspector trespasses on private property without a warrant. I hope both these people got fired because this guy couldnt be more correct about his constitutional rights to privacy. Smart of him to get it all on film.

Mexican Attends Anti-Immigration Rally

This is kinda interesting too watch. A group of demonstrators are protesting against illegal immigration. A mexican decides to grab his camera and march with them for fun.

Westboro Church Pastor Is Insane

Screech Almost Gets Beat Up

The dude on the panel wants to beat the hell out of Screech from saved by the bell.

Crazy Anti-Car Protesters

A bunch of crazy anti-car protesters get largely ignored while riding the streets. They decide to pick a fight with an elderly couple who end up running over their bikes.

Very Fresh Fish

Im all about eating fresh food but I think this Japanese restaurant has taken it a little too far. This just seems a tad on the cruel side to me.

Animal Right Activists Interrupt Hunters

These two animal right activists do everything they can to keep two hunters from leaving shore to go hunting.

Breakdancer Kicks 3 Year Old

A breakdancer is in the middle of his routine when out of nowhere a little 3 year old wanders a little too close to the dance floor. Dont worry, the girl was fine, although she will develop a serious phobia of all forms of dancing.

A New Level of Crazy

A telemarketer calls an elderly woman who claims she is on the do not call list. She makes the chick from last week screaming at the rally almost look normal.

Huge Chick Fight Breaks Out At Beach

A group of girls get in a fight over a guy at the beach. Starts off between just two girls and ends up being an all out brawl.